2017 is almost here! Make sure to prepare your Hoppin’ John and collard greens on NewYear’s Day. It’s a Lowcountry tradition that promises good luck and money in the new year. Itmay be winter but in the Low Country, but January and February are the only 2 months of theyear where we may get a total of 10 days that don’t make it to 50 degrees. With that said,there are many outdoor events to enjoy in Charleston, starting off with the Look a Like PolarPlunge on Folly Beach. Charleston Restaurant Week and the LowCountry Oyster Festival arevery popular events in January as well. Charleston Property Group wishes you a Happy andHealthy New Year!

1: Bill Murray Look-a-Like Polar Plunge, Folly Beach

4-22: Charleston Restaurant Week

5: Garrison Keillor, Gaillard

8: Houston Persons, Turtle Point Kiawah

9-10: Charleston Health and Wellness Expo, Gaillard

11: An Evening with Jullian Fellowes, Dock Street Theatre

12: Literary Luncheon, Library Society

12: Chamber Music Charleston, Dock Street Theatre

13-14: Monster Jam, N Chas Coliseum

14-15: Beginners Beekeeping Course, MUSC Gazes Auditorium

14: Southern Fried Chicken Challenge, Grove at Patriots Point

14: Justin Willman, Sottile Theatre

17-18: Shen Yun Chinese Dance, Gaillard

18-21: Charleston Comedy Festival

18: Dave Mason, Chas Music Hall

19: Music of Louis Armstrong, Kiawah

21: Charleston Jazz Festival, Gaillard

22: Elvis Lives, Gaillard

23-28: Charleston Wedding Week

23: Shadowland, Gaillard

27: Bernadette Peters, Gaillard

27: Beach Boys, N Chas PAC

29: Lowcountry Oyster Festival, Boone Hall

2016 was a great year for Charleston and its real estate market. Through November, we wereup 10.8% ytd over 2015 in the number of transactions. We will likely sell over 17k homes in2016 and it will probably be the 2nd busiest year ever. In terms of median price, we are up amodest 4.5% ytd over 2015 and the median sales price is now at $245k. While that is an alltime high, it is below the trend line running back to 1991. That trend line predicted we wouldbe well over $250k by now. That tells us that we are somewhat undervalued and have roomfor appreciation. With all the great things going on in Charleston and all the new construction,one can imagine and hope that 2017 will be another great year for Charleston and its realestate market. Charleston’s new mayor, John Tecklenburg, seems to be doing a great job andthere is positive infrastructure progress being made throughout the city and its suburbs. Onecan always wish for more infrastructure and for it to come faster, but Charleston is still apretty easy area to navigate around. It is more of a challenge than it used to be. But that is theprice that we pay for being the number one city in the world.

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