Analysis of residential properties going under contract(contingent) during week of 12/9/16-12/15/16
- 231 residential properties under contract last week. Very, very busy for this time of year!!!
- 178 single family homes under contract past wk. Median LIST price $257k,$134/sqft. 7 under $100k. 9 over $1M, 3 of those over $2M. Median 44 CDOM. Median Yr Blt 1999
- 5(3%) of 178 single family homes under contract past wk BANK OWNED FORECLOSURES or SHORT SALES. Another 7% new construction. 1 of 2 short sales in areas 31/32, 61-76
- 36 island single family homes under contract past wk. James-11,Folly-2($250k,$560k),Johns-10,Edisto-4($185k,$425k,$785k,$1.7M),Seabrook-3($355k,$900k,$4M),Sullivan-2($1.75M,$2.6M),IOP-1($690k),WildDunes-2($700k,$1.7M),Dan-1($500k)
- 11 James Island single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $195k-$590k. 2 under $300k. Median $339k,$188/sqft. 1 new construction.
- 10 Johns Island single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $169k-$855k. 1 under $200k. Median $275k,$141/sqft. 1 new construction.
- 18 West Ashley single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $125k-$850k. 2 under $200k. 5 over $400k. Median $330k,$160/sqft. 2(11%) new construction.
- 14 North Chas single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $65k-$323k. 4 Park Circle. 6 over $200k. 3 under $100k. Median $182k,$111/sqft. 0 new construction.
- 17 Mt Pleasant single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $297k-$3.65M. Median $525k,$206/sqft. 9 over $500k, 2 of those over $1M. 0 under $175/sqft. 0 new construction.
- 7 Peninsula Charleston single family homes under contract past wk. LIST prices $395k,$405k,$418k,$479k,$495k,$1.8M,$2M. 3 south of crosstown.
- 35 Summerville/Ladson single family homes under contract past wk LISTED from $149k-$435k. 6 Wescott. Median $205k,$112/sqft. 6 over $300k. 1 BANK OWNED FORECLOSURES or SHORT SALES. 3 new constr
- 47 Hanahan/Gs Creek/Moncks Cnr single family homes under contract past week LISTED from $30k-$417k. 4 Felder Creek. Median $185k,$104/sqft. 9 under $125k. 4 over $275k. 1 BANK OWNED FORECLOSURES or SHORT SALES. 3 new construc
- 50 condo/townhomes under contract past wk. 6 LISTED under $100k. 24 from $100k-$199k. 12 from $200k-$299k. 6 from $300k-$499k. 2 at $585k,$950k. 10 Summerville. 0 BANK OWNED FORECLOSURES or SHORT SALES. 2 new construction